Magic(k) Cinematic artworks

Afternight Aftersun – Wundersaar

Afternight Aftersun

Innuendo ft. Cascinet (festival director Sara Wundersaar Ferro) Innuendo 2019 at CasciNet

© Wundersaar

Innuendoll at the Queen Hotel – Wundersaar

Innuendoll at the Queen Hotel

Queen of the Innuendolls

The poster of the first edition of the Innuendo International Film Festival in Milan.
The cover is actually a gem and I’ll explain why: the photo was taken in my room at the Queen Hotel located in the main square of Eindhoven where I was hosted as a participant in the documentary festival DocFeed. So, a poster for a festival born from a real experience at a festival. Then there is the name, Queen, just like the band of Freddy Mercury, those who have immortalized the term “innuendo” in pop-rock memory, in a substratum of this however not trivial but rather of social denunciation, of that end as it goes to highlight phenomena hidden under the heavy hood of connivance typical of social labeling.

© Wundersaar

Innocent Maniac – Wundersaar

Innocent Maniac

© Wundersaar

Frammenti di una festa furiosa – Wundersaar

Frammenti di una festa furiosa

© Wundersaar

Desktops are exposed secret worlds – Wundersaar

Desktops are exposed secret worlds

© Wundersaar

Hungarica – Wundersaar


The Központi Antikvárium in Budapest is the biggest and oldest antiquarian bookshop of not only Hungary, but also Eastern Europe, which was established in 1891.
Specialized in: antique and modern books, original engravings, lithography, manuscripts, maps, bound editions of cultural and literary periodicals, postcards and photographs, and other bibliophile editions too – originated before World War II.

© Wundersaar

Hommage à Jean Jacques Lequeu (1757-1826) – Wundersaar

Hommage à Jean Jacques Lequeu (1757-1826)

© Wundersaar

Hard Heart – Wundersaar

Hard Heart

© Wundersaar

Grano Arso – Wundersaar

Grano Arso

© Wundersaar

Grand Palais Grand Ciel – Wundersaar

Grand Palais Grand Ciel

© Wundersaar

Goats On The Left – Wundersaar

Goats On The Left

“Goats on the left”, since “goats just want to have fun”, so says the Bible and so says Cyndi Lauper!”Some philosophers further declared that there were two methods of writing: one from left to right, which was considered the exoteric method; the other from right to left, which was considered esoteric. The exoteric writing was that which was done out or away from the heart, while the esoteric writing was that which — like the ancient Hebrew — was written toward the heart.” – Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

© Wundersaar

Glitching offshore – Wundersaar

Glitching offshore

Di solito mi trovo piuttosto sul groviglio lineare di strade alle pendici dei monti scuri e impervi e brulli che lasciano un po’ di spazio prima che la città finisca per fermarsi prima di sprofondare nel mare fondo di ciottolini scogliosi. col braccio vado infatti a cercare una sponda sulle vaghe onde di un sentimento incerto e scivoloso a balzi.

© Wundersaar

Gegen das Diktat der Energiemultis – Wundersaar

Gegen das Diktat der Energiemultis

© Wundersaar

#Francs-Maçons démission – Wundersaar

#Francs-Maçons démission

© Wundersaar

For Anita Garibaldi – bang bang – Wundersaar

For Anita Garibaldi – bang bang

© Wundersaar

Fire Sit With Me – Wundersaar

Fire Sit With Me

Wundersaar ft. David Lynch

First edition of the First Hermetic International Film Festival in Venice. At times I felt like I was at David Lynch’s Silencio in Paris. Two days, eight hours of a pretty though film marathon, what for an incredible program we put together!

© Wundersaar

Fire Always Works – Wundersaar

Fire Always Works

Everybody deserves a fireworks spectacle on the birthday. Thank you San Fortunato, heavenly protector of Camogli. In 2019, my birthday, on May the eleventh, was also your day!

© Wundersaar

Feet and The Homemade Uncanny – Wundersaar

Feet and The Homemade Uncanny

mi fa freddo le cosce

Above right in the GIF a print signed by Andrea Pazienza in 1983. This print, now in my Genoese tiny loft, has been a cipher and imprint of my apartment in Via Filzi 10 in Milan, i.e. my beloved and envied loft with a very strange heritage I inherited in spite of myself – the engineer who rented the studio to me died suddenly in the mountains during a climbing in Switzerland, where he lived with his new younger companion he had his house in usufruct until his death, a legacy of his wife to whom he had survived and which would then be handed over to a famous Milanese medical institution, which had lent palliative care to the lady in her last days. A sad, pining and melancholic story, but very beautiful, painful and romantic, at least in one direction.
The emblazoned Milanese medical institution made a use that could not have been worse: after denying me and my roommates a slight lowering of the rent, with the result that we had to go – I resolved to move around, away from Milan, at the time my heart beat for Berlin, so I relocated there, definitively, or at least that was what I thought. One time I returned to Milan for a medical issue, I already hadn’t lived there for three months, but with my rucksack on the very early morning once got off from the night train from Stuttgart I went there like a sleep-walker and for a time resembling hours and hours, under the closed windows of the mezzanine that had been my dwelling.

Pazienza’s print was displayed in the studio between the two windows, the same ones that I was now starring at from the outside. But the press, on my return from Stuttgart, had fortunately already been rescued from the neglect typical of 90% of Italian institutions, not only public – otherwise it would be remained in the apartment now closed for 15 years, what for a blamable behaviour – so that when I look at it now hanging on another wall and in another city I remember myself of those super beautiful years with cheerful nostalgia. I believe that it is representation itself, the vignette that makes nostalgia less bitter-sweet and more peppery. Thanks Paz.

Zanardi is a fictional comic book character created by Andrea Pazienza (1956-1988) and the protagonist of a series of comic stories made in the eighties. He debuted in 1981 in the magazine Frigidaire. A perfidious and amoral high school student, he became representative of the generation of young Italians in the early 1980s. Massimo Zanardi, known as Zanna, is a tall, thin young boy with an aquiline nose, blue eyes – with a cold and impassive look – and blond hair with a pronounced tuft, a repeating student at the Bologna high school during the early 1980s; in the first stories he is 21 years old while in the last he claims to be 23; he is extremely cynical and evil, without scruples or values; makes use of all kinds of drugs. He has friends: Roberto Colasanti known as Colas and Sergino Petrilli known as Pietra. He has committed a long series of reprehensible acts, from theft to murder; he is fatherless and has a sister. Drive a black Golf. Pazienza himself said of the character, in an interview: «Zanardi’s main characteristic is emptiness. The absolute emptiness that permeates every action “. Post navigation

© Wundersaar

Essenze – Wundersaar


A fair dedicated to perfumes in Milan, a fun fair for me, where to lose yourself in indescribable scents, everywhere fair colors as well as intense, likewise the fragrances, lusty, adulterated, undiluted, evaporated; lost myself in the array, the same awake and in a trance state of mind of vigorous, lively and focused reverie, a treasure hunt, so much impalpable beauty. Scents as a lift from earth to heaven and return to earthy, dirty.

© Wundersaar

Epiphany of Budapest – Wundersaar

Epiphany of Budapest

© Wundersaar

E.T.A. Hoffmann in seiner Stadt – Wundersaar

E.T.A. Hoffmann in seiner Stadt

© Wundersaar

Dusk with bombs – Wundersaar

Dusk with bombs

© Wundersaar

Death by moving image – Wundersaar Death by moving image – Wundersaar Death by moving image – Wundersaar Death by moving image – Wundersaar

Death by moving image

4 Moving images by Sara Wundersaar Ferro from the footage shot at La Scarzuola in Montegabbione d’orvieto during the shooting of Secropolis.

© Wundersaar

Coat of Arms for Peace? – Wundersaar

Coat of Arms for Peace?

moving image by Sara Wundersaar Ferro from the footage shot at La Scarzuola in Montegabbione d’orvieto during the shooting of Secropolis

© Wundersaar

Cinémathèque suisse – Wundersaar

Cinémathèque suisse

Cinémathèque suisse – Wundersaar

© Wundersaar

(cat-à-rifrangente) – Wundersaar


(The title of this post is a play on words starting from an adjective in Italian which translated into English does not lend itself to the play on words instead existing in a mixed mental language, in this case between Italian and English. It is the adjective “reflector”, in English, “retro-reflective”, “high-visibility”, or considering it a name, “reflector”, but also “cat’s-eye”. Hence the cat, that exists although only in English in the word in Italian but missing completely in the English translations of the word as an adjective reappearing instead in the translation of this as a name. Yes! There remained an “a” between “cat” and “refracting”, why not use the French preposition “à” (: on, by) to mix things up a little more?)

© Wundersaar

Brazil Blinds – Wundersaar

Brazil Blinds

© Wundersaar

Born in Milan – Wundersaar

Born in Milan

Nata ma cresciuta a Milano se non dalla fine fine dell’asilo a fino poco dopo aver raggiunto la maggiore età solo un fine settimana al mese o durante le festività, ci sono tornata per l’università e perché mi era chiaro che lì volevo trascorrere i miei anni formativi da giovane adulta. ripartendo più volte per le città che non potevo mancare. Da allora l’ho lasciata molte volte, ma sempre e solo per altre città che non potevo perdermi. Georgia on my mind diceva quello, Milan on mine, e così per sempre. Al momento sto cercandovi un minuscolissimo pied-à-terre molto “tac”, se avete da propormi qualcosa fatelo utilizzando il contact form qui – mica posso cercarmi le robe su airbb come una turista qualsiasi qualunque…

Born but raised in Milan after the end of the kindergarten and until shortly after I reached the age of majority only one weekend a month or during the bank holidays, my comeback there was officially due to the university, indeed it was clear that I wanted to spend my formative years as a young adult there. Since then I have left the city many times, although always only for other cities that I could not miss. Georgia on my mind Ray Charles said, Milan on mine, and so forever. At the moment I’m seeking there a very compact miniature of a pied-a-terre, a slick pad and if you have something to propose to me just do it using the contact form here 😉 you do not want to make me look for places on Airbnb like a tourist any…

© Wundersaar

Bâtisseur de fantasmes – Wundersaar

Bâtisseur de fantasmes

© Wundersaar

barche salvifiche – Wundersaar

barche salvifiche

a 16 mm gif against salvini’s chauvinism (#carolaracketeforcaptain)br>
© Wundersaar

Bamberg Mon Amour – Gemäldegalerie – Wundersaar

Bamberg Mon Amour – Gemäldegalerie

© Wundersaar

BambE(ne)rgischer reFLEKTIONEN – Wundersaar

BambE(ne)rgischer reFLEKTIONEN

© Wundersaar

Awakening into the Daydream – Wundersaar

Awakening into the Daydream

© Wundersaar

Athanasius Kircher’s prophecy ft. some Italian reflections of mine on COVID-19 – Wundersaar

Athanasius Kircher’s prophecy ft. some Italian reflections of mine on COVID-19

Complotto senza plot, cospirazione che lascia spirare, poco sperare, sparire piuttosto, disperatamente, insperatamente nuovamente inspirare, semmai, spiraglio, spiritati brancolando dopo il tunnel le spire strette. Morire, dormire. Dopo il tunnel il ponte crollato, dopo il coma ricostruito. Le spirali burocratiche allentate, appalti bypassati, modello statuito. Si chiama Genova. In Liguria abbiamo un problema. Il basilico invenduto. In Sicilia, il traffico, diceva Johnny in un altro film. No, non è lo scudo penale evocato dal governatore regionale come lo spirito di una lentezza mediterraneamente nordica che di nordico ha poco se non il trend nel numero dei contagiati. Ma la Liguria è trasparente come le sue spiagge dimagrite. Mica come il Molise che non esiste e che a detta del governatore mediterraneamente nordico ha solo fiumare e spiagge di fiume. No, non è pervenuta nonostante indici di contagio da terza della classe, Rcon(0) anarchico come liguri teorici del Risorgimento. L’ira funesta contro i foresti, il popolo delle seconde case, il popolo delle pianure nonostante le colline, della nebbia assassina, loro in Liguria l’han sempre saputo che fossero solo di guai forieri. Ma ora, spostiamoci e partite. Ma prima, le nuove disposizioni nonostante le indisposizioni. Quali sintomi ha la sua di indisposizione? Anzi, mi dica semplicemente quanti. Non li legge i giornali? Basta così! Covid, dammi il tuo ID, eius, eo, id, eo, ciò, fammi vedere che devo co(n)dividere, anzi, senza con, solo dividere, et imperare, che imparino a con-vivermi, io da solo non ho vera vita, sono un parassita, un virus senza qualità, pura intenzione, riproduzione in autonomia, il mio sogno coronato, costernato di fronte ad un attacco pentastellato. Vis, roboris, che la forza sia con me, che sono letale, vi mando in ospedale.

Apocalittici o integrati, ora tutti disperati, nell’ora della verità. Saltano le categorie come i nervi, tutto ciò che è solido si dissolve nell’aria, questa considerazione marxiana non sfuggirà alla prova epidemiologica, fino a prova contraria, che tuttavia non lascerà che contrariati. Intanto abbassate la voce, ce ne sono i motivi, parlare alto produce più fiato, anche i felini, disturbati, se ne stiano schisci, che quando soffiano partecipano come i pollini a far girare i turbini. Salto di specie addomesticato. La Cina è micina. Non tirate loro la coda, tirate la corda no. Che si spezza, come l’incantesimo di un mondo fa. Che era almeno edulcorato, seppur non ci sia del tutto piaciuto. Il comune di Medicina, zona rossa in una regione rossa come la nota repubblica nientepopodimeno che dalla bandiera rossa; e gialla come la febbre. Che popolare sarà solo nei suoi sogni, ormai incubi di tutti. Dormire, forse sognare. La Cina è vicina, piuttostosìanzichéno. The Coming Race, viene da Agartha luogo elettivo del Re del Mondo, al Secolo – d’Italia o XIX? – Xi Jinping, pong.

All’oggi, del mercato la fine non è ancora in vista, come diceva uno che di postmoderno scriveva, è più probabile assistere alla fine del mondo che che alla fine del capitalismo. Nous n’avons jamais été modernes. A torto o ragione sono il primo virus postmoderno, costruito come un patchwork con genomi di virus già esistenti, ma mi muovo internamente ad una costellazione nuova di pacco. E Sta pandemia è proprio un pacco di proporzioni gigantesche che nemmeno Amazon ti recapita più – al momento si curano solo di prodotti medicali – una “sola” come dicono a Roma. Si vede si pensava che società dell’informazione coincidesse con il venir informati e per tempo.

E stiamo come d’autunno d’estate. The End of (Hi!)story and the Last Men, fa anch’esso parte delle letture vintage da consigliare a complottisti tra il 4.0 e il 5G.

© Wundersaar

Arts et métiers – Wundersaar

Arts et métiers

© Wundersaar

Arm the armoured rhinoceros – Wundersaar

Arm the armoured rhinoceros

Like the Dürer’s rhinoceros – that died in a shipwreck in the Tyrrhenian Sea, precisely in the Spezia Gulf, transported from Portugal to Italy, this is instead very much alive, facing the Adria Sea in the Venetian Lagoon – he shares the same destiny of a sightseening animal, a wondreous. But better days are coming, days of revenge, better days for wondrous transformer rinoscheroses… “Un rinoceronte cammina la notte sull’acqua della Laguna torrendo parole al vento, in cerca di miglior fortuna si sfoga con la luna. La sua sagoma è fatta di lucido metallo, un giorno, presto capirà di aver preso un abbaglio, cosa sarà mai una recinzione, cosa sarà mai una nazione per l’animale più pesante del mondo, transformer di metallo per di più, quindi armato, darà seguito al suo destino già segnato, sì, di grandi viaggi, che non si scoraggi, armerà una flotta e inizierà la sua vera lotta, lo porterà lontano, molti gli daranno una mano, armata, che tremino già i codardi le cui retine verran trafitti dai dardi riflessi sulle lamine lucenti di questo rinoceronte transformer diretto discendente di quello detto del Dürer.”

© Wundersaar

Archangel-backed – Wundersaar


The pic was taken in the toilet on the parterre of a 5 stars hotel where my guests didn’t sleep because we couldn’t manage to reach in time the last ferry-boat crossing the Rhein river. In that toilet, I had an epiphany of the Saint Michael Archangel.

© Wundersaar

Animated memento mori

Animated memento mori

© Wundersaar

Amaterasu – primordial Japanise goddess of the sun – Wundersaar

Amaterasu – primordial Japanise goddess of the sun

© Wundersaar

algalgia – Wundersaar


In front of the Venetian Island of San Giorgio in Alga…

© Wundersaar

Acid Gravure – Wundersaar

Acid Gravure

© Wundersaar

A.L.A.I. – Mostra Internazionale Libri Antichi e di Pregio a Milano – Wundersaar

A.L.A.I. – Mostra Internazionale Libri Antichi e di Pregio a Milano

I was honored to be a media partner for the 2017 edition of the ALAI bibliographic fair held in the Salone dei Tessuti in Via San Gregorio in Milan. here some impressions of the precious rare books.

© Wundersaar

A character from history that you would like to meet – Wundersaar

A character from history that you would like to meet

© Wundersaar

The VVitch with the Nazar – Wundersaar

The VVitch with the Nazar

Shake the VVitch out of you, manifest her

© Wundersaar

Il posto delle fragole – Wundersaar

Il posto delle fragole

Un posto segreto lassù in Val d’Intelvi. Al confine. Tra prati smeraldo e riflessi di lago. Una locanda, vicino a uno dei posti che a turno chiamo casa.

© Wundersaar

Verso Lutetia – Wundersaar

Verso Lutetia

Il treno di notte che è già giorno e già Francia dormiente
solo un corridore e me desti veramente
lui lungo la traiettoria dei binari
io rincorro giallo–blu scenari
lui delle mie impressioni più celere e celeste
io del suo sfuggirmi più Cerere e terrestre
Prima di Parigi, medio raggio lontana
la veduta di prima ancor notte e ancora più montana
Forse eran monti che manco eran colline
forse son lì solo non tutte le mattine
Meno dell’Italia mi pare aver la Francia
meno di che cosa dice già stizza di pancia
meno di niente meno di zero
infatti era un complimento

© Wundersaar

1. Mai – Kampftag gegen Krieg – Wundersaar

1. Mai – Kampftag gegen Krieg

© Wundersaar